What is a Push Putt in Disc Golf? (Complete Guide for Beginners)

Putting can be the most frustrating part about disc golf. Missing from close range can doom your score for the hole. But, there are different techniques for putting that can help you make more putts.

In particular, push putting is a good way for beginners to practice a repeatable putting technique that can land your disc in the basket more often.

Here’s What a Push Put is in Disc Golf

A push putt in disc golf is a technique where the player lofts or pushes the disc toward the target without any added spin. By keeping the wrist and elbow straight the player can push the disc toward the target while eliminating any side-to-side motion that alters the course of the disc to the target.

I’ll explain the difference between a push putt and other putting styles and also how to perform the push putt.

Man using a push putt

What is the Difference Between a Push Putt and a Spin Putt?

The biggest difference between the spin putt versus the push putt is the movement in the wrist and elbow as the disc is released.

At the release of the spin putt, the wrist will rotate forward and your thumb will move from roughly a 9 o’clock position to a noon position.

This movement is what creates the spin on the disc as it’s released from your hands.

When using a push putt, instead of rotating the wrist at release, you’ll just be opening your hand to release the disc.

Advantages of a Push Putt

Easily Repeatable Motion

Push putting is great for its focus on reducing the moving parts involved with form. When you’re using a push putt, you don’t have to worry about release angles, timing, or spin rate.

The beauty of the push putt is that you’re pushing the disc toward the target in a straight line. So, in this way, the margin for error is minimized.

Shorter Comeback

The push putt doesn’t require you to add any spin to the disc when throwing at the target. If you’re using a spin putt, a miss might result in a miss wide to the left or the right.

A miss like this can mean you’re watching the disc sail further away from the basket than you were before. A push putt eliminates this possibility.

If you do miss a push putt, you’re going to commonly miss the putt short or hit high or low on the basket. Each scenario will most likely result in an easy tap-in.

Don’t Worry About Spin

Adding spin to any throw means you’re going to have to also think about how much spin to put on the disc as well as getting the timing of the release just right.

A spin putt means that you’ll need to account not only for a throw that’s too short or too long but also for the side-to-side motion.

Disadvantages of Using a Push Putt

Poor Results in Wind

On a windy day, the lack of spin on a push putt can work against you. As you release a push putt, the nose of the disc will be slightly angled upwards.

This upward nose tilt, along with a lack of spin makes it much easier for the wind to blow the disc off its line to the target.

Long-Range is Difficult

Outside of the circle, using a push putt becomes very difficult to use. The more distance between yourself and the basket, the less effective the push putt becomes.

If you find yourself outside of the circle, you’ll need to add some spin on the putt so it can glide to the target. The push putt won’t be as accurate from longer distances.

Stance Violations Are More Common

When using a push putt, you’re using your body’s momentum to push the disc toward the target. But, since the push putt is most effective within the circle, this means it’s also going to be easier for a stance violation to happen.

Inside the circle, PDGA rule 806.01 states:

After having released a putt, the player must demonstrate full control of balance behind the marker disc before advancing toward the target. A player who fails to do so has committed a stance violation and receives one penalty throw.

Using a push putt, it can be much harder to demonstrate full control of balance behind the marker disc when your momentum is propelling you forward.

How to Push Putt in Disc Golf

Step 1: Use a Straddle or Stagger Stance

There are two different types of ways to stand when using a push putt. Some players will use a straddle stance and throw the push putt in a motion that resembles using a kettlebell.

The takedown is between the middle of your legs as they are spread a little more than shoulder-width apart.

A stagger stance will use your right foot forward, and the back leg behind you and a little flared out to the side. The stagger stance allows for a lower takeback and more momentum behind the throw.

Step 2: Use a Low Takeback

Since you’ll be pushing the disc in the direction of the target using the momentum of your body, your takedown with the disc will be very low.

At the lowest point, the disc should be in the area of your ankle or groin, depending on the length of your arm when fully extended and straight.

Step 3: Maintain a Straight Arm

The key to the push putt is keeping the arm straight and fully extended. After the low takeback, you’re going to push upward on the disc while keeping the arm straight and elbow locked.

Step 4: Release at Your Midsection

The release will come somewhere in your midsection or waist. The arm should remain straight through this release point and into the follow-through.

Use the momentum of your body to transfer power from your legs to the disc at the point of release.

Step 5: Push Up With Nose Up At Release

The part that makes the push putt different than other putting styles is pushing up on the flight plate of the disc at release.

As you push the disc upward the nose of the disc should also be tilted up from the takeback to the release.

There is very little to no spin on the disc, depending on the distance you’re throwing from. Pushing the disc takes some practice, but it can be an accurate and repeatable shot from closer distances when done correctly.

Different Types of Putting Techniques

Jump Putting

A jump putt is when you use the power generated from your legs and the momentum from your weight as you jump to add distance to a long-distance putt.

If you find yourself close enough to the basket that you need the control of the putter, but far enough away that you’re just out of normal putting range, the jump putt might be a good play.

Jump putting will provide your putt with a little more power that’s needed to get a putt to the basket when you’re in the gray zone on the course.

See here for a more detailed look at a jump putt.

Spush Putt

The spush putt is a combination of the push putt and the spin putt. Elements of both a slight spin and a pushing motion are used during the spush putt.

In a spush putt, your arm won’t be completely straight like with the push putt. There will be some bend at the elbow and some turn in the wrist at release.


Final Thoughts | What is a Push Putt?

A push putt is just one putting technique you’ll want to know and practice. But, it’s not the only way of putting in disc golf, nor should it be.

It’s best to be versatile and familiar with other putting techniques so you can use whatever putt is necessary for the situation.


Hi, my name is Marty. Sporting Disc is dedicated to delivering actionable tips and information when it comes to enjoying any disc sport. Whether it's disc golf, ultimate frisbee, or any other disc sport, I want to help anyone get out there and take their game further.

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